Cincinnati chamber, businesses unveil new incentives to entice workers back downtown

Cincinnati chamber, businesses unveil new incentives to entice workers back downtown

The discounts and giveaways are part of the chamber’s new campaign it’s calling Meet Me Downtown.

The Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber and downtown businesses are offering daily discounts and prizes to help lure downtown workers, many of whom are still working remotely for at least part of the week, back to their offices.

“The chamber is focused on a growing region and we recognize that a thriving, vibrant central business district is critical to a strong regional economy. Our focus is highlighting the many benefits of being downtown during the week so that individuals choose to come to their downtown offices more often.” said the chamber’s CEO, Brendon Cull.

About 88,000 employees are based downtown, by far the region’s largest employment area. There are 3,346 businesses, with 93% being small businesses and 37% having four or fewer employees.

Businesses offering discounts include:

On-the-Rhine Eatery at the downtown Kroger store offers grande beverages for $2 and $6 sushi on Wednesdays

Brown Bear Bakery in Over-the-Rhine is offering a free coffee or espresso with a pastry purchase

Coffee Emporium on Central Parkway will offer a free upgrade of your drink size

Urbana Café will offer 10% off Monday through Saturday

Queen City Burger Co. will offer 25% off drinks Monday through Friday

Taste of Belgium offers a 20%-off happy hour from 4-6 p.m.


Giveaways will go to people who fill out a form at the Meet Me Downtown website and post a picture of themselves on Instagram working, meeting, eating, socializing or visiting downtown with the #meetmedowntowncincy hashtag. They include:

-Dinner for two at Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse

-Two FC Cincinnati jerseys

-Two tickets to the Family Series at the Cincinnati Ballet between April 11-14, 2024

-Two tickets to the Playlist through the Cincinnati Ballet between May 10-12, 2024

-Two tickets to the Old Friends Acoustic Tour Nov. 3 at the Aronoff Center for the Arts

-Two tickets to Mrs. Doubtfire at the Aronoff Center for the Arts on any weekday between Dec. 5-17.

-Two tickets to Rain: A Beatles Tribute at the Aronoff Center for the Arts April 20, 2024

-Three $50 gift cards to Mid-City Restaurant.

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